Our Expertise


A key component of public health is vaccination, which provides substantial protection against illnesses that may be avoided.

Dr. Maryam Khan,

Anuual Physical

A vital component of preventive healthcare is an annual physical, commonly referred to as a yearly check-up or wellness exam.

Cancer Screening

A crucial tool in the early identification and prevention of many cancer forms is cancer screening.

Chronic Medical Conditions

Chronic medical illnesses are long-lasting health problems that frequently endure throughout the entirety of a person’s life.

Geriatric Health Conditions

Medical disorders that are more common in older persons as a result of normal aging are referred to as geriatric health conditions.

Depression Screening And Management

In order to recognize and treat depressed symptoms, depression screening and treatment are crucial parts of mental healthcare.

Dr. Maryam Khan about us

Pre-Employment Physical Exam

A medical examination performed on a potential employee before their commencement of employment is known as a pre-employment physical exam.

Specialist Referrals

When a patient’s condition calls for knowledge outside the purview of a primary care physician, referrals to specialists are an essential part of comprehensive medical treatment.


Elevated pressure in the arteries is a persistent medical disease called hypertension or high blood pressure.

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