Importance of Cancer Screening

The significance of early identification of cancers cannot be emphasized enough. Cancer screening ensures diagnosing it at an early stage when it is treatable. At Dr. Khan’s practice, we guide you through your options and assist you in making decisions about screening for cancers based on your individual risk factors and family history.

The Link Between Cancer Screening and Chronic Illnesses

What is Cancer? Why should we screen for it?

The cells that make up our body function if a well regulated manner. This process is ensured by genes that make up the DNA in each cell. Sometimes, errors in genes can make some cells grow in a haphazard manner, jeopardizing the harmony of the different body systems. We call it “cancer”. Such errors can arise from family predisposition as well as environmental effects due to toxins. If such cells are are detected at an early stage, the chances of successful treatment are higher. Therefore, it is important to screen for such cells periodically based on your risk factors.

How is cancer screening done?


We first look at your risk factors such as age, family predisposition, environmental hazards such as smoking, exposures to chemical/radiation and recommend tests to screen for cancers

These may include imaging and blood work 

Sometimes, special tests may be required, for which you will be referred to a specialist

The Influence of Prompt Intervention

The key to defeating cancer is early identification. Early detection and intervention greatly increase the likelihood of successful management and even elimination of cancer. These are some main benefits of early intervention:

  1. Less Aggressive Treatments: Less aggressive treatment approaches are needed at an early stage. Patients may have less physical and psychological strain as a result.
  2. Improved Quality of Life: People can live longer and have better quality of life if they receive early identification and treatment. They may keep doing activities they enjoy and spend quality time with loved ones
  3. Lower Healthcare Costs: Treating cancer at an early stage is frequently less expensive

According to USPSTF, age determined cancer screening starts at age 40. Your specific need may vary depending on risk factors. Please make an appointment to discuss in further detail

Of course! Your risk of cancer can be considerably decreased by abstaining from smoking, maintaining a healthy diet, and getting regular exercise. 

Your age, gender, family history, and risk factors can all affect how frequently you get cancer screenings and physicals. It is advisable to speak with your healthcare practitioner to create a screening regimen that is specific to your requirements.

While routine screening is important, you should seek emergency medical assistance if you experience any of the following symptoms: unexplained weight loss, chronic discomfort, or odd changes in your body. In order to rule out any potential health issues, these symptoms can necessitate further assessment and diagnostic procedures.